It’s All About Sex! Or Is It? Reflections on Sexuality and Dreaming
It is time to focus on the “real” content of all (or most) dreams. It is time to focus on sexuality in dreams. Some readers …
It is time to focus on the “real” content of all (or most) dreams. It is time to focus on sexuality in dreams. Some readers …
In this fifth essay based on a series of interviews conducted with John Trumper, M.D. attention is directed to Dr. Trumper's…
Dr. John Trumper brings a wealth of insights regarding interpersonal relations and culture based on his remarkable history o…
In their exploration of leadership among physicians, McKenna and Pugno (2006, p. 59ff) provided concepts from other authors …
We have arrived at the final set of pathways to high quality sleep. There is both good and bad news regarding this fourth se…
Following is the third in a series of interviews with John Trumper, M.D. John has worked as a pediatrician in not only the U…
I consider ways in which leadership styles might be blended and introduce the fourth (compliance) DISC style as well as ways…
Physicians are supposed to “mind their own business” and let other people who are fully qualified as “health care administra…
I wish to introduce a quite different interpretation regarding the presence of flight in the dreams of young people and the …
This document contains an interview conducted by Bill Bergquist with John Trumper and Susan Price. Both John and Susan have …