Home Societal / Political Cross Cultural Alone and Together: Chinese Culture, Tradition and Language

Alone and Together: Chinese Culture, Tradition and Language

70 min read

Marshall, J. (2017). Humanity, freedom and feminism. London :Routledge.
Ning, W. (2001), Han Zi Xue Gai Yao. Beijing: Beijing Education University Press.
Quan Gen, W. (2011). Zhong Guo Ren Xing Ming De Ao Miao. Beijing: Morden China publication.
Slingerland, E. G. (2014). Trying not to try: Ancient China, modern science, and the power of spontaneity. New York: Broadway Books.
Sommers, C. H. (2013). Freedom feminism: Its surprising history and why it matters today. AEI Press. United States of America. Retrieved from  https://policycommons.net/artifacts/1297304/freedom-feminism/1900566/ on 02 Nov 2022. CID: 20.500.12592/k40176.
Waley, A. (1918). A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems. 1918. More Translations from the Chinese, 295-6.
Wang, H. (2020). Intimate Relationships in China in the Light of Depth Psychology: A Study of Gender and Integrity. London :Routledge.







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