Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Influence / Communication Building the Bridge: Inter-Generational Generativity

Building the Bridge: Inter-Generational Generativity

110 min read

The perspective on generativity and inter-generational relationships doesn’t stop here. In his study of generativity, one of us {WB} has made the care that generativity doesn’t just exist as a later life development stage. Rather it is to be found throughout the life of adults and is manifest in at least four ways (Bergquist and Quehl, 2021). Each of these four modes of generativity relate directly to inter-generational relationships—and ultimately to inter-generational deep caring. We provide a brief description of all four modes of generativity and how they relate to intergenerational relationships.

Generativity One: Close to Home

We are generative when we are raising our children and/or starting and caring deeply about a special project (Generativity One). We are generative in a similar way when we extend our caring concern beyond our own children and project to the welfare and learning of other people in our organization or community. Furthermore, generativity one can not only extend beyond the family. It can also extend in time. We are generative as grandparents who still are “parenting.” In fact, as we have already noted, many men might be doing a better job of parenting at this later stage in their life.

Generativity Two: Mentoring

The second form that generativity takes aligns closely with what Erikson originally proposed. We become mentors to other people who are usually younger or less experienced then we are in the work they are doing. Generativity Two also relates directly to many of the intergenerational relationships being described in SOULinks. One of us [JW] offers her own conclusions regarding this important type of helping relationship: (Wright, 2016, p. 1).

Whether in professional or personal application, I know that mentoring is one of the most productive and satisfying pursuits, and I often promote these kinds of relationships in my work as an executive coach with high level business leaders. I am also aware of the beautiful fruit harvested from these mentoring relationships in our personal lives.

Generativity Three: Extension in Time

The third and fourth mode of generativity lead to a soul-filled sharing of expanded perspectives on time and space. The third way in which we are generative centers on our extension of caring back in time and forward in time. We are “guardians” of traditions (Vaillant, 2012)

Generativity Three Guardianship is evident in another story we would like to share. It concerns Dorothy and Her Court Retirement Center. The environment in this Center is unique. There is very much the feel of home. In part this is because there is a fully functioning preschool on the premise. Much as the bridge provided an opportunity for the Western Washington young adults and the older adults to interaction, this center provided an opportunity for an even wider divergence of ages.

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