Home Interpersonal & Group Psychology Influence / Communication Building the Bridge: Inter-Generational Generativity

Building the Bridge: Inter-Generational Generativity

110 min read


In this essay we have offered a portrait of the special, soul-filling relationships that can be created – and have often been created—between the young and old of a society. We have shown how a cross-generational bridge can be built that benefits not only the younger generation and older generation, but also the “sandwich” generation that resides in “troubled water” between the young and old. We offer this portrait and accompanying action steps because the need for these relationships is great in our mid-21St Century world and the opportunities are plentiful (and soul-full). We return once again to the essay on SOULink written by one of us (Wright, 2016, p. 3):

Our world cries out for these long-term, loving and lasting relationships among generations. We have become isolated, small worlds to ourselves, even though we have global reach. We spend too much time communicating via technology, and becoming compartmentalized instead of promoting relationships. We drive up our driveways and shut the doors. Our young people are facing a scary world without the benefit of an older generation’s experiences, wisdom, values and loving support that can help them successfully navigate this often terrifying place we all live.

We both invite you to engage even more fully in the kind of multi-generational relationships that yield rich, soul-full benefits for all involved. What better way to be generative and engaged in activities that are “best FOR the world.”



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Wright, Joan (2016) SOULinks. Author’s Blog: Link: http://www.osullivanwright.com/wp-content/uploads/SOULinks-blog-March-2016.pdf


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