Physician as Leader I: From Theory to Practice Regarding Fundamental Leadership Styles
Physicians are supposed to “mind their own business” and let other people who are fully qualified as “health care administra…
Physicians are supposed to “mind their own business” and let other people who are fully qualified as “health care administra…
Jeremy Fish, M. D. and William Bergquist, Ph.D. We identify specific challenges and specific models of leadership in this f…
Significant differences of opinion often arise in each of three domains. These differences must be addressed in quite differ…
We are ready to turn in more detail to mid-21st Century health care and the way in which our understanding and appreciation …
We might best be able to gain some sense of how complex adaptive systems operate by examining the way in which they appear i…
We face a major challenge in seeking to lead complex mid-21st Century organizations—and this is particularly a challenge reg…
William Berguiqst offers a 45 minute presentation on the implications for perfomrance in organizations of six major environm…
There is much we can learn from our COVID experiences that would benefit not only our understanding of 21st Century health c…
Most of the old notions about leadership were based on sacred perspectives regarding the world. A great leader is an emissar…
[Note: Most of this essay was actually wirtten during the last decade of the 20th Century. The themes introduced, however, s…