Pathways to Sleep IC. From Health to Sleep–The Stress Reduction Pathway
Stress-reduction is a no-nonsense pathway. It is specifically intended to help people get and stay healthy—and one of the ma…
Stress-reduction is a no-nonsense pathway. It is specifically intended to help people get and stay healthy—and one of the ma…
I believe that psychology and psychiatry have gone needlessly far afield in their search for the causes and cures of psychol…
The cliff analogy can be used to examine many different health issues, and this paper will examine stress as a heath issue u…
Raise your hand if this scene is familiar: You are raising a family, balancing priorities between work, school and family ob…
Building on the concept of hope and moving forward to modern times, there are many neuroscientists and psychologists, along …
Parkinson’s is a disorder that is rather mysterious. The causes are elusive and there are no actual treatment for the disord…
Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones of the American Public Health Organization offers a wonderful metaphor that sets the stage for a co…
Approximately 300 physical therapy students from accredited physical therapy programs throughout the United States were recr…
Physical therapy as a professional program has not been studied in terms of connecting the stress level inherent in this cou…
In this study, the aim was to research the varying anxiety and depression levels of students enrolled in professional physic…