Home Societal / Political Cross Cultural Chinese Characters and Perspectives: The Social Construction of Gender

Chinese Characters and Perspectives: The Social Construction of Gender

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The Variation of Yin-Yang

The ancient Chinese Character Yin is a glyph of ‘sun hidden by clouds’, and Yang is signifying ‘the sun shining over the land’. Yin is originally written as the meaning of ‘northern slope of a mountain’ or ‘the southern bank of a river’ where the sun could not directly reach. Yang in its original meaning is depicted as a ‘southern slope of a mountain’ or’ the northern bank of a river’ which are bathed under the sun (Yan, 1995, P. 23). Thus, Yin and Yang are nature phenomenon. However, Chinese philosophers often approach Yin and Yang as a logical and mathematical way of thinking. In some circumstances, Yin and Yang are opposing principles. Yin also refers to former feminine and negative; Yang refers to latter masculine and positive.

When children reach the age four, they are aware of social expectations of gender. However, scientists have found that when boys play games, they tend to make rules in order to keep the game running. Laws and principles are modified and discussed among boys. They also build factions and divide people by status. The game is about winning and losing. By contrast, when girls play, they do not consider rules to be the vital issue. As long as the game continues, they are willing to adjust rules and renew the progress. However, when the game puts the relationship between girls in danger, they are more likely to give up the game in order to keep the relationship (Gilligan, 1998, p. 5).

Chinese philosophers proposed that one shall put effort to the task inwardly. When the outwardly appears with conflict, Chinese philosophers believe that it is due to the imbalanced inside. The terms ‘Yang Sheng Yin Shuai’ and ‘Yin Sheng Yang Shuai’ refer to the imbalance of Yin and Yang. Femininity is considered as Yin, masculinity as Yang. Nowadays, with one billion more men than women in the population, China is considered to be in a state of ‘Yang Sheng Yin Shuai,’ which means there is too much masculinity. This leads to a lack of harmony. It is time to adjust and develop Yin for each individual in order to keep this co-existing environment suitable for human lives.

The Tricky Mission

ZhaoDi knew that the only way to be treated fairly is to ‘be like a boy’. She knows how her parents want a boy, and when her brother was born, all the attention and caring were devoted to the little one. Her name ZhaoDi means ‘recalling a brother’. Many families use this name as an implied meaning of ‘wishing for a boy’. ZhaoDi realized her parents would prize her only when she has achieved academic excellence. Her mother would then recognize her as ‘Guai.’ ZhaoDi holds a high salary job after her graduation from school. She sends money back home every month. It was until recently, she realized that the money was being given to her brother by her parents.

ZhaoDi usually finds herself in competition with male colleagues. She does not fancy beautiful dresses or make up; rather, she wears suits to work, even on leisure days. It was not until ZhaoDi had her first child, that she began to feel the need of being a gentle mother. She started her therapy three years ago. During the work with her therapist, ZhaoDi talked about how she has to fight for attention, gaining love by being a good girl. She claims that she finds it difficult to identify as a woman. She felt that menstruation is nothing but a trouble. ZhaoDi said: ‘I never want to be a woman in my next life.’

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