Home Couples & Family Psychology Intervention Couples Communication: Military Marriages and the Languages of Love

Couples Communication: Military Marriages and the Languages of Love

29 min read

The way of communicating is also important. For example, if the topics is more about Children than the relationships between Couples. This communication may not be as effective in boosting satisfaction in the relationship. Communication is not as simple as just exchanging information using the words we speak or write. Sometimes conflict arises between Couples because of ineffective communication. The husband may interpret the information shared by the wife differently and vice versa. Therefore, communication skills are important in boosting marital satisfaction.

The Languages of Love

For military couples in Singapore, I would recommend that they start off using the five languages of love identified by Dr Gary Chapman (1995). This is because it is not as prevalent in Singapore to go for therapy to seek professional help. When Couples encounter issues in their relationship, seeking professional help will not be the first thing that it comes to mind. It is more prevalent in western countries to seek for professional help.  In Singapore, when a couple has issues, they will turn to their family members or friends for advice.

According to Dr. Chapman, there are five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. Depending on individual personalities, one may feel loved differently. Understanding and decoding these different ways of showing love will help to know the partner’s expectations and needs.

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