Home Personal Psychology Clinical Psychology COVID-19 Crisis in Therapy

COVID-19 Crisis in Therapy

10 min read

The following essay was written in Hebrew by Dr. Gil Erlich who operates a private clinic in Israel. Dr. Erlich works with preschoolers, children, teens and adults in addressing developmental-emotional issues. An English summary of this essay is offered first.

COVID-19 Crisis in Therapy [English Summary]

The COVID-19 crisis has brought us all, to think about our being in a new and unfamiliar situation. I believe that learning from these experiences will help us grow in our routine being. Because of this I would love to take part in sharing my thoughts on this matter. The details of the patients presented in the article have been changed in order to maintain privacy

Dr. Gil Erlich

I work as a psychologist in three different therapeutic fields.

In a private clinic, where I work as a clinical psychologist. At the clinic I get mostly patients dealing with depression, anxiety, eating disorders and lack of satisfaction in life. I see them 1-3 times a week and the treatment is essentially psychotherapeutic.

In day care in a hospital as a clinical psychologist. In day care, patients who need higher therapeutic holding and handling than regular out-patients, reach about seven hours a day, and receive therapy that include group therapies, expression and creative therapies, and psychological therapies. Day care allows (as opposed to full hospitalization) to self-fulfillment beyond the therapeutic space’ in daily life (work, studies, relationships, etc.). The treatment as part of the day care provides accompaniment by a multi-disciplinary team.

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