Home Psych Transfer Dragons, Opportunities and Challenges in Intersect Organizations

Dragons, Opportunities and Challenges in Intersect Organizations

75 min read

Goodman and Loveman (1991, p. 28) also suggest that “profits and the public interest overlap best when the privatized service or asset is in a competitive market. It takes competition from other companies to discipline managerial behavior. . . When these conditions [incentives and competition] are not met, continued governmental involvement will likely be necessary. The simple transfer of ownership from public to private hands will not necessarily reduce the cost or enhance the quality of services.” These complex and often contradictory conditions would seem to benefit from the nuanced assistance of an experienced expert who recognizes the presence of all four of Rumsfeld’s conditions of knowledge within the organization—with regard to the nature of costs, income and profit, the nature of personal work-related motivation, the ways to improve quality of service and product, etc. [the list is quite long].

Conclusions: Intersectionality

In recent years, the concept of intersect has taken on a somewhat different focus. It is now engaged, as “intersectionality”, to identify the shared challenge faced by diverse groups of people who have historically been recipients of bias, discrimination, and even violence. This intersection is home to some of the most dangerous and destructive dragons of our times—the dragons of prejudice, hatred and xenophobia. How are the interests, needs and concerns—their perspectives—of these citizens being protected and honored? Emphasis is placed (as the name implies) on interdependency: the concerns of any one group are inherently interwoven with the concerns of other groups (Hancock, 2016). The domain of intersection between these groups is essential to the successful restoration (or even first establishment) of their rights and identity.

Specifically, intersectionality concerns the history of discrimination among groups who have been marginalized because of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, class, or differential ability. It concerns the complex, and cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination combine in the experience of marginalized individuals or groups. Those involved in intersectionality advocate for Institutions to embrace new perspective and enact new practices concerned with recruitment, performance review and career development programs ensuring that marginalized people are treated in an equitable manner.

Through the initial work of Kimberle Crenshaw and others often identified with critical race theory (Crenshaw, 1996) there is growing awareness that this intersection might be just as important in defining the way an organization (and society) operates as is the intersection between institutional types. There might even be an important intersection between these two types of intersects. Issues related to marginalization and discrimination might best be addressed by the joint actions taken by different types of institutions and by those organizations that blend multiple interests and perspectives.

I suspect that some (perhaps many) of Rumsfeld’s not knowing that we don’t know have somethings to do with the wants, needs and perspectives of those people who have been set aside in our society. Hatfill’s hubris might very well reach out to false expertise in the world of marginalization. It might be that experts who are residing within Intersect Organizations or consulting the leaders of these “peculiar” organizations have something of value to say about how different marginalized groups might best combine their forces and blend their diverse perspectives and practices to bring about a more just society. If mid-21st Century experts can be successful in challenges the malignant dragons that dwell in intersectionality, then they truly deserve our support for they have crucially demonstrated their credibility.


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