We did not intend the first issue of the Edge of Knowledge to be about this profoundly influential health challenge. Nevertheless, right now this an important element in Professional Psychology’s future. As professionals around the world who are in the business of applying psychological perspectives and practices to the challenges facing our clients and other members of our society, there is much we can say and do. The future of professional psychology might in part depend on how we address the psychological ramifications of COVID-19. Put simply, professional psychology’s future might be as much in the domain of physical health as it is in the business of mental health.
The articles in this first issue have all been prepared by professional psychologists from many countries who believe that they should be in the business of addressing the COVID-19 challenge. They are all members of the New Global Community of the Professional School of Psychology (PSP). These PSP community members formed a Global Psychology Task Force several month ago and repurposed a website (www.communitiescollaborating.com) to address the psychological ramifications of COVID-19. Following are articles originally published on this website or (in many cases) in this Library of Professional Psychology (LPP) (with links from the communities collaborating website to LPP).
Psychological Ramifications for the Individual
in this first issue of the Edge of Knowledge we first offer essays concerning ways in which individuals can best cope with the COVID-19 challenges. The theme of Hope pervades or is the focus of many articles in this first series.
Is Hope the New Antibody for Physical Illness
This inspiring and guiding essay by Drs. Christy Lewis and Kendell Munzer concerns the powerful role played by hope in addressing the challenge of any physical illness
Psychology Round Table: Psychotherapy During the COVID_19 Crisis
Reflections by four senior clinicians from the United States and Singapore regarding psychotherapy during these challenging times
This essay contains videoclips by Drs. William Bergquist and Suzanne Brennan-Nathan and a power point presentation about ways in which to cope with the psychological impact of the virus.
Politics and Mental Health Co Hand-in-Hand throughout the COVID-19 Crisis
Dr. Kendell Munzer reflects on the way in which the COVID-19 conversations readily shift from personal mental health concerns to the realm of politics–which often makes it difficult to talk about one’s own fears and hopes.
Wisdom from the East About Coping with COVID-19
Much can be learned from our Asian colleagues who have been addressing the psychological ramification of COVID-19 for a longer period of time then those of us living in North America or Europe. Furthermore, there are some distinct perspective and practices to be found in Asian countries that might be of value to those of us living in the West.
Dealing with Anxiety during COVID-19 in Singapore
To begin a cross-cultural reflection on the psychological ramifications of the COVID-19 virus, we offer an essay on the way in which Dr. Eliza Wong works with highly anxious clients in her home country: Singapore.
What Has The COVID-19 Virus Taught Us in Our Life?
Our colleague in Singapore reflects on the ways in which we can learn (and improve) from her experiences with the virus.
East Teaches West in a Time of Stress
Dr. Sunita Rai offers advice about how to mindfully reduce the stress and a prayer in Sanskrit (with English translation) that serves as a thoughtful guide.
During this time of tension and uncertainty, here are some suggestions, based on traditional Chinese wisdom, regarding the creation and alternative of rituals in one’s life and especially in one’s family.
Organizational and Societal Ramifications of COVID-19
The following essays take us beyond the individual to the organization and society in general regarding the psychological ramifications of COVID-19.
COVID 19: Organizational Challenges and Opportunities
Two experienced organizational consultants and leadership coaches reflect on the long-term changes that are likely (or could) occur in organizations of all sizes after the virus’s impact has subsided.
Formulating COVID-19 Policy: A Psychological Perspective on Consideration and Compassion
This essay provides diverse perspectives on COVID-19 policies, leading to identification of four choices regarding policy.
Mapping Effective COVID-19 Engagement
Leadership and Strategies of four kinds are mapped out as effective responses to the COVID-19 crisis.