Home Personal Psychology Cognitive Flows and Intentions of Light

Flows and Intentions of Light

13 min read

For many of us, there seem to be two separate flows that guide our lives.

One, the physical flow, appears to have a clear direction and intention.  There is great evidence that the physical flow was created by the Big Bang, which was then responsible for all of the energy, matter, space and time of our universe.  We can observe the light from the Big Bang today, but there is no evidence of what caused it or what might have come before it.  While many believe that God was the source of the Big Bang, there is no scientific proof of this. Brilliant researchers, like Stephen Hawkins, believe that it could have been spontaneous or that our universe always existed or had no cause. While we may never know everything about our universe, we have discovered many of the laws that govern the behavior of our universe, our galaxy, our solar system and, most importantly, our planet.  One of the most intriguing laws is Einstein’s discovery that E=mc*c.  Amazingly, it relates energy and mass through the speed of light, which is a universal constant.  Not surprisingly, light plays a major role in the physical flow of our universe.

In addition to the universe, every person is affected by the physical flow and, depending on our circumstances, it significantly defines our lives.  Our parents and our birthplace are major factors in determining our life’s course.  These two conditions have a major influence on our development, our education, our vocation and our wealth.  If we are lucky or we work hard, we might become rich, famous, important and happy.  Or we might be poor, mistreated, ignored, and unhappy.  In any case, our lives are finite, generally 100 years or less and nobody has escaped death yet.  If and what happens after death is often the intention of the second flow.

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