Home Personal Psychology Cognitive Flows and Intentions of Light

Flows and Intentions of Light

13 min read

Physical light has been the subject of inquiry since the evolution of man. Neanderthal cave paintings dating back to 60,000 BC show light as an important part of their everyday life.  Early man’s brain evolved increasingly to process light. As human beings became more sophisticated, light became prominent in their paintings, architecture, symbology and discussions.  During the Age of EnLightenment, the scientific study of light became a dominant activity.  Later, the electromagnetic spectrum and Maxwell’s equations of light were discovered and developed.  Today, physical light is well understood and is a major factor in the further exploration of our universe, our planet and ourselves.

Spiritual light and enlightenment are discussed and described in every major religion and philosophy.  Christians believe that there are three elements of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Jesus the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit, which is often depicted and described as God’s Guiding Light.  The “good news” gospel promises that even though Jesus, the Light of the World, died and was resurrected to return to God the Father, the Holy Spirit will be with us and will guide us with God’s Light forever.  Judaic and Muslim writings depict Yahweh and Allah as the Light of the world.  Buddhism and Hinduism poetry, writings and practices all focus on the ultimate goal of enlightenment for human beings to be closer to God or perfection.  There are very few religions or spiritual practices, past or present, that do not have light as a major aspect of their belief system.

Since physical light encompasses a broad spectrum of physical phenomena and spiritual light encompasses a broad spectrum of spiritual phenomena, could these spectrums overlap or be connected?  While it is possible that they are not similar at all and that they operate completely separate from each other, might they interact in some interesting way?  Since physical light has reflection, refraction, diffraction, dispersion and interference properties, the two lights could enhance or diminish each other.   Enhancement or diminishment would suggest that under certain conditions, resonance of physical and spiritual light could produce a more powerful effect and anti-resonance could negate or reduce the desired effect.

Further examination and discussion of the relationship between physical and spiritual light might result in a new understanding of our connection with the universe and the creator of the universe. The last Age of EnLightenment resulted in a strict separation of mankind’s physical and spiritual flows.  And yet, most would argue that there must be a connection since the intention of the universe and the intention of Creator of the universe must overlap.  Could that connection be Light?


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