27 min read

Until now, I’ve focused on what I call The Four Cs of Connectedness: communication, cooperation, compassion, and consistency as my prescription for effective, successful change within, between and among individuals, companies, non-profit organizations, communities, and countries, be they allies or adversaries. Lately I’m thinking of adding a fifth: courage. Not because connectedness is dangerous, but because it demands the maturity to recognize the limitations as well as the importance of your efforts.

Effecting change – small or big – is a relay race, not a marathon. Fighting 21st Century Authoritarianism will not be fast or easy, and it will take action by millions of people, working individually and collectively. Each generation must do its part, then pass the torch of advancing change onto the next. Several generations are currently fighting Authoritarianism in different ways, depending on their issues, customs, beliefs, and history – from stalwart Baby Boomers to spritely Gen Xs, Ys and Zs – especially those last three, because the future is theirs.

Contemporary Authoritarianism, fueled by hate, fear, greed, grandiosity, and in some cases armed with nuclear power, could literally bring about the end of the world. So how can people use the tools of Connectedness to thwart this danger? Examine the processes of The Four Cs.


Communication is the most important tool because it makes cooperation, compassion, and consistency possible. At every level of society, from grassroots local to global, clear and honest communication is essential – not just among those fighting the good fight, but also between “Us and Them.” Every nation, from the smallest and poorest to the biggest and richest has its own version of Us/Them. Authoritarians exacerbate this division to sow chaos and destroy truth.

Digital technology has transformed the way we do (and don’t) communicate, as well as everything else we do. Digitized commerce has transmuted the nature of work and increased the imbalance of wealth. Social media has both separated and unified us, cracking social sanity by creating the illusion of alternate realities, each with their own facts, conspiracy theories and negative perceptions of “The Other.” All tribes fear The Other because they don’t understand it and/or just plain dislike it.

Globalization, intended to improve and simplify international exchange, has produced a distaste and distrust of globalized culture and politics. We want each other’s goods and services, but we do not want to be The Other. Turns out (surprise…) that people are very attached to their tribes – their national norms, beliefs and traditions. The resulting disparities reinforce a sense of a 1% elite not caring about the 99% who feel disenfranchised.

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