Home Societal / Political Authority Is Experiencing the Overview Effect a Human Right?

Is Experiencing the Overview Effect a Human Right?

16 min read


  1. F. White, “The Need for a Planetary Engineering Ethic,” April 22, 2018,
  2. Y. N. Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of HumankindSignal Books, 2014.
  3. R. Tumlinson, “A Declaration of the Rights and Responsibilities of the Rights of Humanity in the Universe,” Earthlight Foundation, https://2211.world/the-need-for-a-planetary-engineering-ethic/
  4. F. White, The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution,Multiverse Publishing LLC, 2021.
  5. Annahita Nezami is planning to use the Overview Effect and virtual reality in psychotherapy and other applications: https://www.vr-overview-effect.co.uk/about-us;
    Ryan Holmes and Space/VR are working to reproduce the Overview Effect experience using flotation tanks and VR: 
    Jeremy Nickel offers an Overview Effect meditation twice a week at  his online spiritual community:
  6. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=down+to+earth%3A+the+astronaut%27s+perspective
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