Home Societal / Political Authority Is What We See Where We Are…, Or Only Where We Think Ourselves To Be?

Is What We See Where We Are…, Or Only Where We Think Ourselves To Be?

35 min read

Evolutionary Opportunity calls upon us to See and Recognize Now that the ’euphoric depression’ of duality, or the mind that thinks itself divided and split, is not euphoria but only depression…, from which must come only more of the same…. and finally, more of the same is Not The Better we are Really and Truly capable of.

It is again time to Reach Past and Beyond the long-practiced and over-learned traditions and assumptions associated with a ‘condition’ that we have unwittingly imposed on ourselves.  In order to Get Over the ‘hump and inconvenience’ of repetition as a substitute for Creativity, we must transition to ‘The What’ we have suspicioned and been toying with for much of our historical existence.

It Is, and Obviously All Connected and Actually One Thing…, One Whole, Forever Continuous but of an Order and Dynamic That Is Every Bit as Elegant as Einstein realized and More…, an Experiential Understanding, Singular and Complete, All Encompassing, Present and Available as a Total Occasion, yet Always Beyond the restrictive conditionality of the mind that thinks and perceives separately and oppositional.  Within that system, there is only the suffocating architecture of incongruous and oppositional references, laws, and rules that simply can never add up…, no Big Bang there, but only a continuation of befuddling paradoxes that ‘appear’ and seem to have temporary existence…, and the effects, wearying , stultifying, depressing.

Yet simultaneously and in the Everywhere Always of The Greater Singularity, there Is a Whole, an Order unrecognized but Knowable That Is of Big Bang Content, from which Atypical and Extraordinary Potential can Enter In and Render Provisions, non-linear, Miraculous and of a Powerfully Fulfilling Kind that Reveal The Deep Mysteries that have always been in Full Frontal View… from which New Meaning, Understanding, and Enlivenment Comes to Re-animate, Heal, and make Whole Again the very fabric of our Being.

In summing up I’d like to share a little of my musical experience, which makes up a very significant chunk of my life. I was always attracted to those styles of music that came out of musicians improvising together. Early on it was the rock and roll of the 50’s and 60’s. Then I became fascinated with blues and jazz and the unusual and inspiring vocabularies that artists such as Wes Montgomery, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Bill Evans, and others expressed. At times I found myself overwhelmed with feeling, excitement, and deep emotions that this music seemed to conjure up in me. The further I went in my attempts to play and comprehend this music, the more apparent it was that this musical thing was Unlimited and Wonderfully Alive, of an Order and Energy that was quite remarkable and not at all fixed but dynamic, unpredictable, and Profoundly Original.

To effectively engage and play this kind of music required sensibilities, qualities, and skills that were present-oriented. I had to learn to listen, to pay attention, to feel and respond to a forever shifting stream of indwelling and incoming data. In short, I had to discover that by nature, I was, or better still, I am an improvisor in mind and heart. That was the key to Getting To and Intimately Connected to this music I so loved.  Here I discovered an unending source of New Information that had uncanny ability To Provide endless inspiration and possibility — literally Everything Needed to realize and express deeply satisfying and compelling ideas that Revealed and Fulfilled.

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