Home Societal / Political Authority Is What We See Where We Are…, Or Only Where We Think Ourselves To Be?

Is What We See Where We Are…, Or Only Where We Think Ourselves To Be?

35 min read

I suggest that we are all improvisors and always in the act of  managing Unlimited Data, Incoming Content, that generally exceeds the system of thought and understanding by which we attempt to manage, interact with, and or engage this information. I am certain that our Natural Ability to interact with and benefit from this surrounding, indwelling, and incoming content Far Exceeds the current state of mind and condition with which we attempt to manage and engage this Living Data Stream…, and that we Are Capable of Dramatically Expanding and Transforming our state of mind To Accommodate and Cooperate with this invisible but ever-present field of Unconditional Content as we go or presently, and by doing so, Realize and Manifest Future Potential in the Here and Now of our Life and Living.

The ‘How To’ is an Active Practice or application of mind that is Consciously Engaging, Intending, and Willing…, Cooperative and Always Listening…, a state of Openness and Receptivity Characteristically Different than our usual and habitual orientation and tendency to isolate and ‘self-absorb’.   Many are familiar with the learning model described in these four stages:

1- Unconscious incompetency – the state and habit of repeating past learning in automated unawareness.

2 – Conscious incompetency – the state of being or becoming aware of this numbing and dulling habit and practice.

3 – Conscious competency – the state of change in which Conscious Listening and Accommodation of New Content is introduced.

4 – Unconscious competency – the state in which this Natural Attunement and Accommodation becomes stabilized as a New Effortless Compelling Orientation whose results and effects are Self Evident.

This Mindful Re-adjustment is not dependent on time whatsoever, but generally is realized in stages or intervals determined by each one’s readiness.

Vince Lombardi, the famous coach of the Green Bay Packers NFL team expressed it this way:  ‘Practice does not make perfect… Perfect Practice Makes Perfect!’  Here he is referring to that New State of Mind from which you can use all of your resources – past learning, present discovery, and future promise – in a New Orienting and Present Expression of Who You Are Now as an Unfolding Present Revelation…, a Getting What Is Needed as You Go experience.

Much of the paradigm changing innovators all throughout human history have been utilizing such States of Mind all along. And what a Welcome Relief might be introduced in the destiny aspect of our evolutionary experience through a more expanded Practice and Application of this possibility.

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