Home Journals Edge of Knowledge Issue Two: Clinical Psychology in Singapore

Issue Two: Clinical Psychology in Singapore

25 min read

We hope that you find the perspectives and practices offered in these “living” documents to be of interest and use. There is much to be learned from those working with the unique (and universal) life issues faced by those seeking psychological services in all parts of our world. It seems that the 21st Century is providing us with both major challenges and substantial global resources to meet these challenges—if we chose to avail ourselves of these resources. Hopefully, this issue of The Future of Professional Psychology provides at least one venue for this sharing of resources.

William Bergquist, Ph.D.


Lian-Ya Wong, Psy.D.

Guest Co-Editor

[Note: The pictures of birds that serve as banners for the documents in this issue of The Future of Professional Psychology were shot and provided for our use by Dr. R. James Little, President of the Adler Graduate School in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.]


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