Home Personal Psychology Sleeping/Dreaming Lay Me Down to Sleep: Designing the Environment for High Quality Rest

Lay Me Down to Sleep: Designing the Environment for High Quality Rest

54 min read

Component Three A: Sleeping Environment

PathwaySub-PathwayExpert RatingUser RatingUser CostUser Access
Temperature Transition: From Cold (Bedroom) to Warm (Bed with Sufficient Blankets/Quilt)1.752.751.501
Dark Room (Minimal Light of Any Kind)32.7511
Light in RoomColored (e.g. Salt Lamp)11.751.501.50
Light in Room


Night Light11.25v1.251
Light in Room


Rhythmic Light11.001.501.50
Sleeping CompanionFeeling intimate/ safe/trusting beside another person2v2.7511
Sleeping CompanionBeside a favorite pet2v2.75v11
Quiet Room (No Sounds)2.75311
Gentle MusicLullabies11.50v1.251.25
Relaxing MusicEasy listening/meditative11.50v1.251.25
Interesting Music (Distraction from Failure to Fall asleep: we are not worried about not sleeping)11.25v1.251.25
Boring spoken words (Paradoxical Intervention)
Relaxing/Distracting Imagery/Fantasy While Falling AsleepSexual Fantasy1.501.0011
Relaxing/Distracting Imagery/Fantasy While Falling AsleepBeautiful/Tranquil Settings1.501.5011
Relaxing/Distracting Imagery/Fantasy While Falling AsleepSpecial Moment or Events Remembered or Even Replayed1.501.25v11
Relaxing/Distracting Imagery/Fantasy While Falling AsleepReplaying scene from Movie/TV/Theater1.501.00v11
Trying to Stay Awake (Paradoxical intervention)Watching TV21.50v11
Trying to Stay Awake (Paradoxical intervention)Reading Book22.5011
Trying to Stay Awake (Paradoxical intervention)Waiting for Someone else to Come to Bed or Arrive Home22.0011


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