Home Personal Psychology Health / Biology Leadership in the Midst of Heath Care Complexity I: Team Operations and Design

Leadership in the Midst of Heath Care Complexity I: Team Operations and Design

70 min read

SCARF draws us into community context, team context, and partnership context as it focuses on social contributors to our threat response.   Once our social threat response has been triggered by any and all of the SCARF examples, it triggers a clear neuro-physiological response that sports psychology refers to in the Threat–Challenge dichotomy:


An athlete competing with others in an individually-focused sport (like running) or in a team-based sport (like basketball) will find herself facing the threat vs challenge dynamic again and again.   Combining SCARF with sport psychology Theory of Threat vs Challenge creates a more complex matrix of opportunity in face of potential social threats:

Threat                                                             Challenge                                           Reward

Fear-based                                                      Action-based                                       Reward-based

Often isolating                                                Pro-Social                                            Pro-Self

Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn                               Respond & Overcome                        Feels good

Adrenaline + Cortisol                                      Adrenaline + Oxytocin                        Dopamine

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