The new capital of the postmodern era is information and expertise. Approval (and its inverse, shame) are components of the new capital. Values of the postmodern worker compliment this new capital. Emphasis is placed on three motivating factors: the meaningful of the work, the ability to influence the work environment and the quality of interpersonal relationships among those working in the organization. The three modern motivators (job security, wages and safety) are still important. They must be addressed in a satisfactory manner prior to addressing postmodern motives. However, assurance regarding job security, wages and health is no longer sufficient. Increasing attention is given to the meaning of work and to recognition derived from colleagues and one’s boss(es) regarding the quality of one’s work. Quality of Work Life programs and Social-Technical Systems dramatically increase worker involvement in the design of production systems and even in daily decision making regarding purchase of equipment, composition of work teams and increased worker safety and security. The new values of the postmodern worker begin to border on the spiritual domain, as greater meaning, purpose and ownership is sought in one’s work and affiliation with an organization.
Home Organizational Psychology Leadership Leading into the Future V: Transition in Organizational Forms and Roles
Leading into the Future XIb: Holding the Center While Innovating and Opening Boundaries
How do organizational theorists suggest that the center can hold in 3rd Decade organizatio…Leading into the Future IX: Fragmented and Inconsistent Images
We had moved in our postmodern world into a form of global capitalism that requires high l…Leading into the Future IV: Order, Chaos and the Three Societies
It is important to recognize both the newness of the world in which we are leading and the…
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