Home Societal / Political Behavioral Economics Organizational Consultation: An Appreciative Approach–I. What’s in the Straw?

Organizational Consultation: An Appreciative Approach–I. What’s in the Straw?

8 min read

Toward an Appreciative Model of Organizational Consultation

During the past two decades, organizations throughout the world have undergone a transition so profound as to be revolutionary. Turbulent public policies and regulations, fickle consumer needs and interests, shifting values about the quality of life and work, and the intrusion and acceleration of technological achievements have all brought at times almost unbearable pressure on corporations, social service agencies, schools, governmental bureaus, and other complex organizations. The demands for new modes of organization consultation have been very much both a part of and a response to these rapidly changing conditions.

In attempting to respond to these critical issues, most organizational consultants have found little time for reflection on the nature of their practice or for expansion of the range and scope of their tools and strategies. This set of essays is intended to provide just such a resource, one which will enable the practitioner to reflect on and expand his or her own perspectives and preferences regarding ways in which to improve organizational functions and fully engage human capital. These essays are also intended as a resource for those who wish to practice an appreciative approach to organizational consultation. We build our model of organizational coaching on the foundation of a strongly held tenant regarding the appreciation of human capital in contemporary organization. We offer a variety of organizational consulting strategies and practices that lead through appreciation to the powerful, energizing release of human capital for the achievement of organizational success.


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