John Trumper: Working in the Soviet Union
In this fifth essay based on a series of interviews conducted with John Trumper, M.D. attention is directed to Dr. Trumper's…
In this fifth essay based on a series of interviews conducted with John Trumper, M.D. attention is directed to Dr. Trumper's…
This document contains an interview conducted by Bill Bergquist with John Trumper and Susan Price. Both John and Susan have …
This first interview focused on John Trumper's work with the Maori in Northern New Zealand. …
We are living in a world where loneliness abounds. Whether this social condition of isolation is good for our heart and soul…
Philosopher Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein once said: ‘The limits of my language are the limit of my world.” Language is t…
I was born after the 1980s, in a small city in northern China. China has a tradition of togetherness (collectivism)—yet I fe…
One of my colleagues recently left her long term residence in China and is now living in a country that is currently much le…
When it comes to psychology in general, I am a fan. I have a degree in it. At its best, psychology is an honest attempt to h…
Conceive a man by nature and misfortune prone to a pallid hopelessness…. -Herman Melville, “Bartleby the Scriven…
Can psychotherapy prevent fascism? We can only answer that question by exploring the dynamics of fascism and group narcissis…