Louis Breger recognized and believed in the light that was within Yael. It was hidden by her distorted and incorrect approach to herself, which were the result of her problematic primary relationships. This caused her great difficulty, especially in her intimate life – including her relationship with her body and her obsession with negative feelings towards pregnancy. He helped her not only understand the distorted circumstances of her life, but allow this hidden light to be revealed. In Jewish psychological terminology, he allowed for repair, Tikkun to exist.
In Breger’s and Yael’s voice it sounds like this: she thought that she must be punished this way by not having a real life of her own and by not being able to be a mother–all this because of her overwhelming guilty feelings. Yael’s getting married and having a baby become their Victory. Being able to be her supportive unique and “significant-other” for her started also Breger’s own needs for Redemption.
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