Home Personal Psychology Health / Biology Managing Our Stress as Professionals

Managing Our Stress as Professionals

5 min read

There is a critical message to be delivered to all of us: as professionals we need to ensure we manage our own stress so that we are efficient practitioners for those in need of our services

Raise your hand if this scene is familiar: You are raising a family, balancing priorities between work, school and family obligations, you have had a day to beat all others. You’re frazzled after work, so you mood modulate with comfort food. You over do it because you haven’t eaten in more than 6 hours and find yourself bloated and sleepy after an hour. You are too tired to be productive on school work or domestic chores so you make your way to bed to let go of the day.

When you try to go to bed, you lie awake for hours not being able to sleep. When you finally do sleep you toss and turn all night with a pit in your stomach. You start the next day feeling hungover and sluggish, which makes it that much harder to face those typical obstacles at work and home and life, so you feel even more wiped out. Repeat ad infinitum. Ugh. This is a typical cycle of stress. Many of us are too familiar with this scenario and how to get off this merry-go-round.

Stress is an epidemic, and it wrecks your body and your brain in more ways than one. Stress can be attributed to your hair falling out, your clothes becoming tight and your immune system and your hormones, gut, mood, and poor, overloaded brain) go haywire just to name a few. The physiological damage due to stress can be phenomenal. The good news is, you don’t have to let stress hold you back.

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