Home Personal Psychology Health / Biology Managing Our Stress as Professionals

Managing Our Stress as Professionals

5 min read

Managing stress is a matter of establishing daily or weekly habits with some well-known techniques. Many of us hear about these techniques but fail to employ them due to our stress level. The perpetual “Catch 22” is underway! As a practitioner I tell my patients to pick one and start with that. It is too difficult to try to incorporate everything into the routine. Starting with one change can make a significant difference. Keep in mind that a habit is established after you incorporate that change for 21 days without a break. It is also important to remember that you can break a habit by not doing that same thing for 7 days. It is harder to establish the habit but once you have it as part of your routine you are more likely to keep it going.

Here is a list of the ways you can help yourself manage your stress:
❏ Exercise (yoga walking, low impact aerobics, dance, weight training, swimming, bicycling, there are numerous ways)
❏ Eating organic whole foods
❏ Take nutritional supplements to aid with stress
❏ Mediation
❏ Biofeedback
❏ Neurofeedback
❏ Massage
❏ Psychotherapy
❏ Aroma therapy
❏ Laughter and doing something fun
❏ Take a trip down memory lane

Certain types of stress can make you stronger and stress is an important part of our physical well-being. Physical and mental challenges can rewire your brain so you’re better prepared to handle whatever life throws your way. What new habits will you incorporate in your daily life?

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