Home Organizational Psychology Organizational Behavior / Dynamics Multiple Moments of Positivity in the Workplace: Organizational Culture and Strategy

Multiple Moments of Positivity in the Workplace: Organizational Culture and Strategy

1 min read

Many companies struggle to implement new business strategies because they underestimate how their existing culture can undermine their efforts. This presentation workshop, led by Dr. Kevin Weitz, focuses on the key issues that organizational leaders need to consider when implementing a new business strategy. The following themes are introduced:  (a) “Millions of Moments” Shape Culture,(b) Organizational culture accelerates strategy implementation (or impedes it), c) How to change culture rapidly, (d) Rapid culture change.


The presentation focused on the following topics:

  • How culture is formed in the first place
  • Why how your culture was initially formed will not work in the future
  • “Millions of moments” – how leaders unknowingly shape culture (for better or worse)
  • How and why people behave the way they do – and how these behaviors are changed
  • The 5-step process that leaders can use to cultivate new behaviors
  • The project management approach for culture change
  • Understanding and assessing your culture
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