Home Societal / Political Cross Cultural My Friend is a Palestinian Bedouin: V. Data Collection and Analysis

My Friend is a Palestinian Bedouin: V. Data Collection and Analysis

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This study is a study based on one case only. Research studies based on one single case run the risk of indeterminacy because of more than one possible explanation, and of incorrect inferences. Multiple observations may reduce this risk substantially (George & Bennett, 2005), but still it may be difficult to generalize from the findings. During the process of this study, I made an endless number of observations and could check their commonness. Even when in this study for a certain theme only one example is provided, it will be illustrative of many situations in which this same theme occurred. In some instances, I will add more, but less detailed, examples.

Language, communication and translation became methodological issues. As a means of validation, Bashar was asked to comment on the interpretation of my observations. Nonetheless, incorporating and integrating his voice in my writings was complicated, because we use language and communicate in different ways. To give an impression of his way of communication, I will present literally a couple of his responses to my ideas. Note that communication between Bashar and me is mostly in Hebrew, which for neither of us is a first language, and the presentation of this study is in English. Furthermore, difficulties in cultural translation (cf. Bhabha, 1994) within the friendship are likely to be existent too in the presentation of our friendship in this study.

As another measure of improving reliability and validity, draft versions of my texts, including the discussion of the observations, will be distributed to colleagues and others interested, and their comments will be integrated.

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