Home Personal Psychology Clinical Psychology Opportunities, Challenges and Benefits of Group Interventions in Schools During COVID-19 Social Distancing

Opportunities, Challenges and Benefits of Group Interventions in Schools During COVID-19 Social Distancing

48 min read

World Health Organization, WHO/2019-nCoV/MentalHealth/2020.1. (2020). Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak [Ebook]. Retrieved 12 August 2020, from https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/mental-health-considerations.pdf?sfvrsn=6d3578af_10.

Yaniv, D. (2019). A Synchronous Growth Model: Addressing Students’ Developmental Needs While Broadening Teachers’ Educational Skills (ppt), presented at the conference: The Story of Innovation in Teacher Education, June 2019. The MOFET Institute, Tel Aviv. Retrieved 20 August, 2020, from https://www.academia.edu/42753892/A_Synchronous_Growth_Model_Addressing_Students_Developmental_Needs_While_Broadening_Teachers_Educational_Skills

Yaniv, D. (2011). A Journal Describing My American Experience of Leading a Counseling Group Including a Theoretical Background, Unpublished Manuscript, Distinguished Fulbright Award in Teaching Program, University of Maryland.


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