Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consultation XX : Development (Part Three)

Organizational Consultation XX : Development (Part Three)

113 min read

Human resource development (HRD) is a term that encompasses a remarkably diverse set of assumptions, activities and goals. While every HRD program should hold increased productivity as its primary goal, there are many justifiable ways to increase productivity that also enrich the lives of the people who work in the organization. I have identified some of the most effective strategies and have linked them to a comprehensive model of HRD. In planning for the implementation of one or more of these strategies, it is useful to keep the other strategies in mind.

Human Resource Development Strategies

While each HRD strategy can potentially play a major role in creating a successful HRD program, the sequence in which the strategies are presented may be just as important. An appreciative approach to human resource development requires that one be sensitive to the complex interplay between various initiatives. Some HRD strategies should precede other strategies, either because this strategy develops logically out of the other strategy or because this strategy is less threatening or more easily implemented than other strategies. Early success can build a basis of credibility for the program that will allow for introduction of other strategies.

As an example of the way in which one comes to appreciate the developmental sequencing of strategies, consider the relationship between the assessment of managerial performance and management training. Frequently, management development programs provide training in basic managerial skills, such as supervision and delegation, or in the use of specific managerial procedures, such as strategic planning and team building. Unfortunately, this training is often engaged without having first assessed the manager’s current skill or performance level in this area. In essence, the manager is being asked, or required, to consider significant changes in her style or method of working with other people without adequate information being collected about her current level or style of management. A diagnostic strategy clearly should be introduced along with or before a training strategy.

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