Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consultation XX : Development (Part Three)

Organizational Consultation XX : Development (Part Three)

113 min read

An alternative sequence begins with short-term, on-site seminars that focus on specific managerial techniques, such as the rewarding of high performance, or on specific technologies, such as the use of new personal computer-based management information systems. Even when a large number of managers have participated in these seminars over an extended period of time, the training will rarely have a significant, enduring impact if they are conducted in isolation from other developmental activities. These seminars must often be supplemented with organizational consultations, for the policies and procedures of an organization usually must be adjusted when employees begin to use new managerial techniques or new technologies. Many of the other HRD strategies are also appropriate—especially once the credibility of the HRD program is established through these seminars. These HRD services might include on-line educational programs, ongoing and informal gatherings of employees to discuss work-related issues, peer-based assistance programs in which one employee works with another in a specific area, and on-the-job diagnosis and feedback.

Strategy Two: Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is an essential, though often abused, strategy in any intention-rich and idea-rich organization. Since I address the use of performance appraisal and its sequencing with other strategies in some detail in a later essay, it is enough to say at this point that performance appraisal can serve effectively as an entry point for human resource development. Furthermore, it is among the most widely used tools for the improvement of work performance. The performance appraisal strategy is based on the assumption that change takes place when an employee is presented with information about her performance through the use of fair diagnostic and evaluative procedures.

A second major assumption usually accompanies the use of performance appraisals as an HRD strategy. It is assumed that evaluation can serve a constructive and developmental purpose. I would offer an addendum to this assumption: evaluation can be constructive and developmental if it is offered in an appreciative manner. Unfortunately, many performance appraisal programs are deficit-oriented and, as a result, tend to be destructive and serve as a barrier rather than gateway to development. In many instances, whether the performance appraisal is deficit-oriented or appreciative, it is implemented primarily to provide supervisors with information to be used in making decisions about continued employment, promotions, and salaries. This latter use of performance appraisal is frequently associated with the reward system strategy to which I now turn.

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