Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consultation XVI The Chartering Process: Part One

Organizational Consultation XVI The Chartering Process: Part One

42 min read

We were able to extract a clear statement of values from these discussions.  We first identified a set of values that seemed fundamental to the organization. These values have apparently endured for many years—since the founding of the organization. We called these fundamental values the “New England Standard Way:”

The New England Standard Way

An organized, participative way of working together that enables New England Standard employees to maximize their contribution to the shared goals and objectives of the New England Standard Corporation. The New England Standard Way involves a blending of individual fulfillment and profitable growth for the New England Standard Corporation. It also involves the interweaving of mutual appreciation, recognition and trust with an ongoing concern for efficiency, accountability and empowerment. Employees of The New England Standard Corporation respect cultural and ethnic diversity and uphold the dignity of other New England Standard employees. In The New England Standard Corporation there is continuing emphasis on both customer service and product improvement.

We go on to note that the New England Standard Way is represented in the following fundamental values:

Trust and Respect: New England Standard begins with the assumption that each person who enters the organization as an employee will conduct himself or herself with honesty and respect for the integrity of truth and personal commitments. It is assumed that mature men and women work on their own without intrusive monitoring or interference and that they choose willingly to work in a respectful and open manner with other members of the New England Standard Corporation.

Integrity and Freedom of Inquiry and Disagreement: The New England Standard Corporation provides an atmosphere of open inquiry and value freedom of expression. Questioning and investigation are intrinsic at New England Standard, not only in conducting business, but also in encouraging thoughtful and critical inquiry among the professional clients being served by New England Standard. In all its operations and for all its clients, New England Standard protects the rights of inquiry and expression; neither funding considerations nor the strongly held perspectives of those in authority should be permitted to infringe these rights.

Excellence and Creativity: The New England Standard Corporation promotes curiosity and the continuing pursuit of excellence. Employees are encouraged to question their own practices and to investigate and assess other operational modes—all on behalf of improved service to clients. Continuing improvement, in turn, requires an organizational atmosphere that provides safety for creativity and innovation.

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