Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consultation XVI The Chartering Process: Part One

Organizational Consultation XVI The Chartering Process: Part One

42 min read

Members of our team then moved on to what we identified as the operational values of the company. We suggested that the values of the New England Standard Corporation are manifest at an immediate and tangible level in six domains. In identifying these six domains, our team made use of several sources. First, we used information that we gleaned from our meeting with the employees. We also made use of statements contained in the current strategic plan of New England Standard, as well as several brochures that have been distributed over the past two years to New England Standard employees.

Once again, we sought to appreciate and honor the work already done in the organization, rather than re-inventing the wheel. If we honor the work done by others in the organization, then our own work, and the chartering process in general, is more likely to be honored. The six operational values were:

Reputation: The positive reputation of New England Standard is paramount. All of an employee’s activity uphold and enhance New England Standard’s reputation and brand name recognition.

Financial Responsibility: Appropriately priced services, accurate forecasting, cash-flow management, prudent underwriting and tracking systems are pivotal to managing and maintaining a sound financial base.

Company Standards: All employees must fully and positively support standards developed by the Company and must be held accountable for adherence to these standards.

Communication: Clear, accurate and timely verbal and written communications delivered appropriately among employees and clients are a key component to success.

Performance: Sales volume, funding ratios, expense management and portfolio performance are core measurements of financial success.

Customer Service: At New England Standard we strive to develop and maintain permanent relationships with our customers.

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