Our team then constructed a fourth set of statements regarding the mission of New England Standard. We identified these statements as the commitments inherent in the mission statement of the organization. Based on our review of the existing documents of the company and our interviews with the founders, we suggested that the mission of New England Standard will be fulfilled on a consistent, ongoing basis, if employees of the New England Standard Corporation make six fundamental commitments:
Commitment One: Customer Service: The New England Standard Corporation is committed to exceeding client expectations in the delivery of services. The company is not only in the business of providing financial support to its clients: it provides a full set of services that can be of value to small and medium size organizations at all stages of their growth. [“New England Standard doesn’t just make a deal. It builds relationships.” New England Standard Brochure, 2009] [“New England Standard has a vested interest in not only helping its clients succeed, but also in expanding and extending its working relationship with its client. New England Standard seeks to be in its client’s ‘inner-circle’ along with its accountant, lawyer, and sometimes its suppliers.” From interview with a founder.]
Commitment Two: New England Standard’s Economic Growth: The New England Standard Corporation is committed to creating an environment that will promote economic growth and prosperity within the New England Standard Corporation. The more successful New England Standard is as an entrepreneurial company, the greater the security and financial opportunity afforded by the organization to its employees. [“New England Standard has a long history of pioneering in the business of assisting small and middle-size businesses.” From interview with a founder]
Commitment Three: Client’s Economic Growth: The New England Standard Corporation is committed to creating an environment that will promote economic growth and prosperity among New England Standard clients. [“New England Standard assumes that clients are willing to learn about running their business from other people with substantial experience. However, clients often do not come to terms with their need to learn about the operations of their business until a time of crisis or transition in their business.” From interview with a founder.] [“New England Standard will structure flexible . . . programs to help [our clients] build and . . . enhance [their] growth—whether starting or expanding [their] operations.” From: New England Standard Brochure 2009]