Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consultation XXIX: Portfolio-Based Assessments

Organizational Consultation XXIX: Portfolio-Based Assessments

46 min read

Survey of Existing Documents and Precedence

Though the documents that are collected for any particular portfolio should reflect the unique characteristics of the employee who is being assessed, the committee need not start anew each time in identifying appropriate documentary methods. The employee should have access to an organized collection of documents produced in previous portfolio assessments and a set of standard documentary procedures that are applicable in many settings. The knowledge and resources of the consultant will be particularly important at this point, for he should have access to the wide range of existing performance appraisal instruments and procedures.
Of course, the employee is free to identify or develop his own documentary procedures and instruments, while making use of some that already exist. All members of the review committee can benefit from past portfolios. Although documentary procedures should never become rigid or prescribed, precedence can be developed with reference to particularly useful documents, productive review committee procedures, and so forth. A primary role of the portfolio consultant is to make this experience available to the employee and other members of the review committee.

Delineation of Plans and Schedules for the Collection of Documents

Although the portfolio approach is very flexible, the process needs to be carefully planned, with firm deadlines, committee agenda, and explicit statements of accountability. Because the portfolio may become complex, and because it is the product of a small committee composed of busy people, it is essential that the committee formulate its plans in concrete terms with clear deadlines. Dates for the submission of certain types of documents must be set. Meetings to review documents must be established at the start of the project; otherwise, they may never take place. Each member of the committee must commit herself to review of all pertinent documents and to attending all review committee meetings. Unless all members of the committee undertake a knowledgeable review of all aspects of the employee’s portfolio, the review will be a waste of time for all concerned.

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