Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consultation XXVI: Feedback (Part Three)

Organizational Consultation XXVI: Feedback (Part Three)

20 min read

This dialogue, based on advocacy inviting inquiry, builds trust and a sense of mutual appreciation between the giver and recipient of the performance appraisal. This appreciative appraisal process creates a setting for mutual learning and development, rather than provoking “tit-for-tat” or “got you back” game playing. This appreciative dialogue is constructive. It serves as something more than a forum for mutually argumentative statements. By engaging in this advocacy inviting inquiry process, we learn about ourselves as observers and about effective performance appraisals. Both the giver and the recipient of the appraisal can use this dialogue to test personal assumptions and conclusions about the setting in which the appraisal has taken place. Organizational learning takes place every time an appreciative appraisal is completed. This is one final appreciative mantra.

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