Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consulting XI:  Acts of Appreciation

Organizational Consulting XI:  Acts of Appreciation

22 min read


De Soto mentions that he is emulating his namesake, another adventurer named De Soto, in his venture into new lands and new perspectives regarding the mystery of capital. He suggests that the old solutions do not apply in a world that provides cable television to men and women living in huts with dirt floors. We would similarly suggest that we must be adventurers in our reform of contemporary organizations, for our world of the Twenty First Century is much too complex and unpredictable for deficit based Twentieth Century strategies.

How then does an organization fully release its human capital? How are members of an organization given a setting in which they can engage their inherent appreciative talents? We have identified three strategies of appreciative consultation that we believe help an organization create and sustain a culture of appreciation, as well as create and nourish appreciative leadership. The next set of essays are devoted to a description of these appreciative strategies of consultation. One of these strategies concerns the generation of information in organizations, the second concerns the clarification of organizational intentions, and the third concerns the creation of organizational settings in which ideas are nurtured and engaged.




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