Home Organizational Psychology Intervention / Consulting Organizational Consulting XII: The Human Resource Bank—Nature and Content

Organizational Consulting XII: The Human Resource Bank—Nature and Content

44 min read

Room must always be provided in any Human Resource Bank project for the assessment of SKAs that have been acquired in unusual places and in particularly challenging circumstances. Employees learn new things when they are raising a child, balancing work and education, caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s, working through problems of addiction, or playing center field on the company’s baseball team. There is important knowledge to be gained and many skills to be learned in each of these circumstances. Aptitudes are particularly sensitive to these maturing experiences. Some of these SKAs are applicable to the organization. They can be identified and acknowledged in the process of building and updating a Human Resource Bank.



De Soto, Hernando (2000) The Mystery of Capital: Why Capital Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. New York: Basic Books.



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