My Friend is a Palestinian Bedouin: XIV. Meals and Other Celebrations
Celebrations are another entry to a different culture. They indicate what is important in life. I will first relate to meals…
Celebrations are another entry to a different culture. They indicate what is important in life. I will first relate to meals…
There is a large difference between Bedouin culture on one side, and North America and Western Europe on the other side, whe…
The key features regarding these three perspectives concern the process of disclosure: what are its benefits and drawbacks a…
The dynamics of Quad 3 is the opposite of Quad 2 with regard to the fulfillment of interpersonal needs. A’s task in Quad 3 i…
There is a strong bias toward internal locus of control when it comes to Q3. …
As I did in the previous chapters regarding quad one and quad two, I will briefly examine the interaction between Sheila and…
The third quadrant is all about privacy and disclosure. This is the hidden dimension of interpersonal relationships. …
As in the case of Quad One, some rich insights regarding Quad Two can be derived from consideration of the differing perspec…
Our analysis of Quad Two is concerned with what other people observe in our behavior that leads them to assume (rightly or w…
Why don’t we find out more about ourselves from other people? We don’t find out in part because we don’t want to know (Q2-I)…