The Pathways to Sleep Project
The Pathways to Sleep Project is one of several now being engaged within the Research and Development division of The Professional School of Psychology (PSP) and its parent organization, the Institute for Professional Psychology Studies (IPPS). This division is called The Edge of Knowledge. As the name implies, this R&D unit is devoted to pushing boundaries regarding our current understanding of various elusive psychological (and non-psychological) issues. Other Edge projects focus on such elusive (but quite timely) topics as Personal and Societal Hope and The Psychology of Freedom, as well as several health-related issues (in addition to sleep), such as the management of trauma and the multiple tiers of effective health psychology services.
As you are now aware, The Pathways to Sleep project focuses on the identification and evaluation of more than 70 pathways to sleep—clustered around four components of high-quality sleep. The results of this project concern expert ratings, user ratings, typical costs and accessibility. As an ongoing project, there will be frequent updates and continuing collection of published and advertised information concerning these 70 plus pathways, as well as identification of additional pathways. We will continue to collect information on the user assessments of the pathways and invite you to be part of this investigation (see instructions for participation below). Hopefully, our Pathways to Sleep reports will be a bit like Consumer Reports. That means providing an unbiased, evidence-based, updated set of essays on ways to achieve high-quality sleep.
The Pathways to Sleep project doesn’t stop here. While we hope that the results reported in this set of essays is of value to you (the reader), we want to take our work a bit further in being of real assistance to fellow sleepers. We are in the midst of preparing a sleep coach training and certification program that will be added to the suite of professional coach training and certification programs we currently offer at PSP and IPPS. The sleep coach training will be part of a broader initiative that prepares mature and accomplished professionals for health-based coaching (and more broadly for work in the emerging field of health psychology).