
14 min read

At last, after all had  shared in eating and drinking and  showing off their  new clothes,  it was  time  to return  to  Sommer  og Sol. I materialized  from  above  to  once  again  become  Shiny  Clipper’s  pilot.

Amalie said goodbye to each lady while I waited to take off. She climbed back aboard and we took off, circling the ladies below and promising to come back soon. The trip back home didn’t take long.

After Shiny Clipper finally rolled to a stop in Amalie’s lap, the little boy would sit silently for a bit, look up into Amalie’s face, and smile. Amalie would tilt her head to one side and smile back. In the silence, Tommy would reclaim Amalie’s lap. The evening wounds of the household would slowly return, and the adventure was over until next time.

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