Home Societal / Political Authority Psychology, Neo-Sociopsychology, and Paths to a Better, Less Prejudiced Society

Psychology, Neo-Sociopsychology, and Paths to a Better, Less Prejudiced Society

71 min read

National ethnicities are by and large consistent with homogenous DNA maps

If the logic of the Explorer Gene DNA model holds up, then it is reasonable to think in terms each country as a sort of separate and distinct gene pool. In the case of most national ethnicities the largest populations typically manifest essentially homogenous traits – physical and others. That is something that can be expected when the homogeneity of nation-defining traits is present in the largest percentage of the population.

Eighty-seven percent of the German population is genetically German. A slightly lower number (88%) of England’s population is essentially English/Welsh. Poland is 96.9% Polish. 62% of Mexico’s population is Amerindian-Spanish and 84.8% of Spain’s population is Spanish.

When it comes to genetic distribution in a country, America’s population clearly an exception.

1- Respondents who self-selected “American”

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