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Psychopharmacology and Mental Health

63 min read


Clearly, we are living in unprecedented times as mental health issues continue to climb.  Both medicative and comprehensive therapies can help individuals who suffer from a wide range of mental health conditions, including psychosis, and these modalities continue to be explored and redefined every day. There are many unique, individual neurobiological factors that contribute to the origin of psychosis; therefore, the direct causality is still unfolding. Since many sections of the brain are affected by mental health conditions such as psychosis, there are also various dysregulations in vital brain systems. In addition, the DA hypothesis was a huge step in the right direction as we advance our understanding of the brain – especially with individuals suffering from psychosis.

Antipsychotic medications, along with parkinsonian research, have significantly contributed to our current understanding of psychosis and the role of DA, 5-HT, GABA, and glutamate receptors. The unwanted side effects of antipsychotic medications have caused clinicians to strategize and apply needed changes by implementing an integrative/comprehensive treatment approach due to the high rate of medicative non-compliance. The many promising discoveries currently being made are pointing clinicians in the right direction of better understanding and treating severe mental illness. Hopefully, in the near future, we will have an even better picture of mental illness, a clearer diagnosis of psychosis, improved psychotropic medications, and continued innovative integrative therapies with zero negative side effects.



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