Home Personal Psychology Clinical Psychology Quantum and Caring: Presentation by Dr. Richard Lim

Quantum and Caring: Presentation by Dr. Richard Lim

3 min read

Dr. Richard Lim offers a video recorded presentation on the application of quantum theory to the processes of psychotherapy. As a senior clinical psychologist providing services in Singapore, Dr. Lim provides valuable insights about the distinctive ways in which the psychotherapeutic process can be viewed.

Following is the video recording:


Some notes about this presentation from Dr. Lim:

In quantum science understanding, nothing is an object with a clear boundary and discreet existence. Everything is interdependent and interconnected. We co-emerge with everything else. In the eastern Buddhist understanding, the self doesn’t exist as a separate entity. In reality, we are energy embodying into seemingly concrete forms and shapes. In psychotherapeutic engagement, we experience intersubjectivity. As most therapists would testify, the process of working with our clients is essentially a deeply relational experience. And we do encounter lots of inconsistencies and irregularities in our clients and ourselves. This appears to be a big problem if you regard a person as one self with consistency until we are open to consider that perhaps we are not just one “I” and our clients are not just one “you”.

We’ve been taught to believe we have a single identity and to feel fear or shame when we can’t control the inner voices that don’t match the ideal of who we think we should be. According to Richard Schwartz all of us are born with many sub-minds–or parts, and these parts are not imaginary or symbolic. They are individuals who exist as an internal family within us–and the key to health and happiness is to honor, understand, and love every part. When we do return to our core being, the Self (as described by IFS) or the Wise Mind in DBT, we experience what the Buddhist call pure awareness. This talk aimed to explore how quantum science, authentic spiritual understanding and current psychotherapeutic approaches converge. And how this could help us be more effective in the work.


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