Home Personal Psychology Health / Biology Revisiting COVID-19 Policy: A Psychological Perspective on Consideration and Compassion

Revisiting COVID-19 Policy: A Psychological Perspective on Consideration and Compassion

154 min read

The proposal would also include policies and funds that intensify research efforts in the discovery of one or more vaccines that continue to combat the virus even as it continues to morph. The proposal would incorporate a third, critical element: procedures for distribution of the vaccines so that they would be universally and equitably available in all countries. A continuing commitment to NPI (social distancing and other effective preventative measures) would accompany this proposal. Effective and widespread testing and contact tracking would also be essential—especially as a way to gain greater insight regarding the way in which the virus is spreading and the ongoing extent to which self-immunization is taking place.

While this proposal was never offered (or at least never given serious consideration) in the halls of government (such as the US congress, or White House), we can tabulate the extent to which element of the proposal were effectively engaged in 2020. First, the vaccines did arrive before the end of the year, and this is an exceptional accomplishment—exemplifying the way in which private and public enterprises can work together to solve problems. Second, in some countries there was effective testing and tracking—though not in the one country (United States) where one might expect this to take place. Third, the wide-spread engagement of NPI practices was to be found in most countries—though once again not in many regions of the United States. Finally, we did witness thoughtful enactment of both enforced NPI policies and equitable inoculation distribution plans in many countries.

With these noteworthy (and perhaps optimistic) examples of successful response to the COVID-19 virus in 2020, it is also important to note, that a realistic appraisal of the perspective offered by advocates for herd immunity never took place. Politics and polarization overwhelmed any thoughtful or comprehensive dialogue. Ironically, many of the actions suggested by the Herd Immune advocates were engaged – but through thoughtlessness and defiance (a blending of arrogance and ignorance). Many US citizens did not comply with social distancing norms—flaunting the request for civic responsibility in favor of individual liberties. As a result, a significant percentage of the population in the United States were infected, leading to what the herd immunization advocates hoped would be a baseline of immunity. This baseline would, in turn, leave the virus with nowhere to turn and, like many other viruses, COVID-19 would simply fade away (with the occasional appearance I already noted). Tragically, this fading away has not yet occurred. This is perhaps because the horror attending the herd immunity policy prevents citizens (at least in the United States) from collectively allowing it to happen.

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