This therapists group which Ilan is a member of has decided to provide a number of free sessions of trauma intervention beyond the immediate intervention offered by a different project – a safe space for initial support adjacent to the protests. This immediate therapeutic program usually includes conversing with the patient via phone or by online means, discussing the patient’s feelings, and trying to create a clear view of these emotional and physical sensations. Ilan emphasizes the importance of tapping into internal and external resources – while facing experiences of helplessness, for instance, where can we find places in which we can heighten the sense of empowerment? Facing insecurity, we should ensure a safe environment containing people taking care of our basic needs.
Ilan speaks about a trust crisis formed between the Individual citizen and his superiors, and the public’s notion that the decisions being made about the coronavirus crisis and other various topics aren’t professional and move on a scale between political decisions to downright whims. He thinks protesting is an empowering act of taking one’s fate in his hands and preserving the sense of personal identity. The demonstrations add vitality and symbolise a counter side to despair.
During this problematic period of the COVID-19 epidemic, Ilan and his team have developed a special program:
The “Out of the Depths” program
The experience of loss and mourning, even in regular times, is often characterized by a sense of great loneliness. The current crisis intensified the loneliness and grief of family members facing death, with the difficulties in providing them family and community support in this context making the loss even more difficult for them. During the lockdown period, Funerals were held in a restricted way, with friends and acquaintances unable to attend.
Following the funeral, there were also strict restrictions applying to the Shiv’ah period week of grieving in which visits are paid to the deceased’s mourning direct family member’s home) and memorials, with even close family members unable to participate. This is a very challenging situation for the grieving person and is likely to exacerbate their feelings of loneliness and emotional suffering.