Home Personal Psychology Clinical Psychology “Stomim Only” – Online Emotional Group Discourse

“Stomim Only” – Online Emotional Group Discourse

9 min read

During the first meeting, the members of the group shared their experiences of dealing with physical and mental pain, which were very present during the first session. Sharing their emotions helped them find their place within the group.

In the second session, the discourse deepened, focusing on the different obstacles that the members felt due to them being stoma patients, raging from participating in sports activities to the strains of dealing with underlying diseases. Those personal obstacles that arose, were intensified due to the Coronavirus crisis. At the same time, it was also possible to identify positive points that occurred during this crisis. From practical discourse revolving the types of equipment and a variety of tips for day to day dealing with the stoma, the discourse had become, deeper, authentic, emotional and touching.

In the third session the discourse deepened around the issue of coping and the discussion became more intimate. Group members chose to elaborate about their coping experiences in their families, coping with spouses, children and close family. Some participants said that they never stopped to think or engage in it, others raised issues of role reversal between parents (contestants) and children, who cares for whom and how?

Interpersonal or group discourse intensifies and echoes the mood in the public space during Coronavirus crisis, especially among older people, vaccine-suppressed participants, who are included among the at-risk population.

Participants reported intimacy, which increased throughout the sessions and the possibility of personal, honest and sensitive sharing, created in a platform, which was experienced as safe and professional followed by attentive guidance.

There is a clear advantage in being able to meet in such way, without the need of special preparations and travel, especially when the health condition does not always allow you to meet. It seems that the positive online experience made the participants wanting to continue with the sessions and to recommend it to others and even institutionalize it by nominal fee, donation or sponsorship.

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