Home Personal Psychology Clinical Psychology “Stomim Only” – Online Emotional Group Discourse

“Stomim Only” – Online Emotional Group Discourse

9 min read

The Coronavirus crisis challenges us to choose a way of vitality. In the words of Charles Darwin:” It is not the strongest, or most intelligent, who survives, but the one who responds best to change. “[4] . The initiative to establish an online discussion space for stoma patients, aims to help promote the internal healing of each one of the group members and the facilitator, as a “wounded therapist” [5] , to assist in building individual and group resilience .

During the group-process one can help the other cope – not only with the stoma and illness, but also promote better human relations, based on cooperation, respect and dialogue. Such process that recognizes diversity and uniqueness among people is an opportunity for growth, and expanding the communication boundaries, both personal and social.

[1]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoma_(medicine)

[2] https://doalogue.co.il/wiki/VUCA

[3] https://zoom.us/

[4] http://www.pitgam.net/quote/76/1/

[5] https://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=244


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