Our fourth studio session focused on insights and diverse perspectives to be gained from watching and entering into dialogue regarding a thought-provoking movie: Mind Walk. Facilitated by Drs. Richard Lim and Mirasol Delmar, we are offered this four studio on April 17, 2021. Mind Walk is a movie that addresses important issues regarding the nature of the quantum world and implications for the “intersubjectivity” of psychotherapeutic, coaching and consulting relationships. Participants in this studio session talked about the critical role played by relationships in the creation of reality, and about the need for both intentionality and flow in the way we relate to other people. The new sciences that focus on reladedness and potentiality must replace the old science that assumed a mechanistic universe. Here are several themes and questions that were posed during this 1 ½ hour session:
Following are some of the themes to be found in this movie:
Inter-connectedness: Intersubjectivity and Relational Psychotherapy
Reality is: Probability of inter-relationships/interc0nnections.
Reality is based in inter-connectedness. Relationships constitute (are foundation of) reality.
We are all part of one inseparable web of relationships.
Implications for Psychotherapy and Organizational life:
The continuity we observe is a matter of observing patterns of relationships: there is shifting and recreating of relationships from moment-to-moment, yet there are patterns of relationships that provide continuity.
Therapy and organizations are just sustained conversations and relationships: there is no concrete “there” there. Mostly empty space and exchange of energy in a web of interconnectedness.
Systems-Perspective: Complexity, Self-Organization and Appreciative Coaching and Consulting
Decision-making into the future: the Native American’s 7th Generation Thinking
The power of expertise
We don’t’ even know what questions to ask.
[Donald Rumsfeld: we don’t know what it is that that we don’t know [versus: we know what we know, we know what we don’t know and we don’t know what we already know.]As leaders we are facing complex/interdependent problems [not puzzles]—it is tempting to embrace authoritarian rule to address these problems.
Self-organizing systems are dependent on other systems, but not determined by these system. [Prigogine, Bateson and Maturana]
The tree is part of a large, living system. There is interdependence (the tree needs the fungi and the fungi needs the tree)
The web-of-life
Self-organizing systems tend to also self-transcend.
Every living system has the capacity for creativity/adaptivity/evolution.
Co-evolution with other systems: an ongoing dance
Creating a sustainable society.