Leading into the Future XIb: Holding the Center While Innovating and Opening Boundaries
How do organizational theorists suggest that the center can hold in 3rd Decade organizations that are often unbounded, force…
How do organizational theorists suggest that the center can hold in 3rd Decade organizations that are often unbounded, force…
We had moved in our postmodern world into a form of global capitalism that requires high levels of consumption, which in tur…
Major shifts have occurred as our world has moved from a premodern era (based in the extraction of natural resources and cra…
It is important to recognize both the newness of the world in which we are leading and the organizational and societal struc…
Many societies in our world are in the midst of major transformation from a premodern to modern social structure. This is be…
Many relationships that could be labeled postmodern are poised on the edge of chaos. Chaos is defined here as a state of unp…
We live in a world of complexity, uncertainty and turbulence that continues to call into question our sense of a coherent se…